Surrey 89.1FM
Vancouver 93.1FM
#201-8383A 128St.
Surrey, BC V3W 4G1
Office: 1 604 598 9311
On-Air: 1 604 591 9311
Fax: 1 604 599 6063
Media Advisory:
Advertising: More Information
Submitting music to RED FM for airplay
To submit your music please email a .wav or a high quality .mp3 file along with the following information:
- Your Name
- Your Email
- Your Contact Number
- Singer / Artist
- Song Title
- Music Composer
- Album Title
- Lyricist
- Record Label
- Release Date
- PR agencies / record labels’ forward your press releases directly to
- Do not send your music or emails directly to hosts / programs
- We reserve the right to reject any music not meeting our airplay standards
- You agree that you are a legally authorized representative of the artist’s music that you are submitting and that you have permission to submit music on behalf of the artist
- By submitting you acknowledge that you grant us permission to broadcast your music